Sexual Offender Risk Review Board

Dedicated to safeguarding Georgians, we evaluate and identify convicted sexual offenders who pose the highest risk of reoffending.

About Us

Upcoming Monthly Board Meeting

The Board meets on the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 AM.

Board meetings are held online and streamed live on YouTube. Anyone may view live meetings, but participation is limited to board members. Tap the link to visit SORRB's channel or, when in session, watch a live meeting: SORRB YouTube Channel.

Blurred photo of people sitting at a table in a professional meeting.

Risk Classification

Learn about the Board's work in risk classification, including:

  • What risk classification and levels mean

  • Who gets classified

  • Who can request expediting, reevaluation, or review

Two people clasp hands together in support.

Victims' Resources

A collection of links to resources for the victims of sexual offenses.

A blurred photo of men sitting in a group therapy setting.

Offenders' Resources

A collection of links to resources for sexual offenders.