Ten years after receiving an initial Risk Classification, sex offenders who were classified as Level 2 or Sexually Dangerous Predator (SDP) may request a review of their level. To be eligible, the offender must not have committed any new or further sexual or violent offenses. The request may be made again every 5 years thereafter.

SORRB recognizes that a person’s risk to sexually re-offend may change over time. The purpose of the 10-Year Review is for SORRB to consider the impact of an offender’s behavior since the original Risk Classification. 

The Review may be requested by the offender or the offender’s attorney (an attorney is not required to request reevaluation). A review may result in a classification being lowered, remaining the same, or being raised.

Follow these steps to learn how to submit a 10-Year Review Request.

  • Download the request form.

    Requests for a 10-Year Review must be made in writing, using the "Request for 10-Year Reevaluation" form.

    Download this pdf file. Download the "Request for 10-Year Reevaluation" form.

  • Gather any supporting documentation. (Optional.)

    The offender or their attorney may choose to submit documents and information for SORRB to consider as part of the 10-year or 5-year review. 

    • Documents MUST be submitted at the same time the request for reevaluation is made. 

    • SORRB only accepts PDF submissions. SORRB will not accept any data storage device.

    Read more about the optional documentation that SORRB considers helpful.

  • Complete, sign, and submit your request.

    Submit the signed, completed request form and any supporting documentation to SORRB by mailed letter or email. 

    Any optional supporting documentation must be submitted at the time of the request. 

    If sending your request by email, attach the documents and completed form to the email as PDF attachments.


    Request Submission Contact Information

    Mail to

    200 Piedmont Avenue SE; Suite 504.21, West Tower
    Atlanta, GA 30334

  • Next steps

    • You or your attorney will receive an email or mail confirmation that your request has been received.
    • It will take approximately 120 days to complete the reevaluation.
    • You or your attorney will receive your classification by first class mail once completed.