Within 30 days of a sex offender's initial Level 2 or SDP Risk Classification, a Reevaluation may be requested. The 30-day period begins on the date of the offender's Notification Letter.

A SORRB Reevaluation allows the offender or their attorney to submit new documents and information, including potential risk-reducing factors, that were not available during the original risk assessment. A reevaluation may result in a classification being lowered, remaining the same, or being raised.

Follow these steps to learn how to submit a Reevaluation Request.

  • Download the Reevaluation Request form.

    A Request for Reevaluation must be made in writing, using the Reevaluation Request form. Note that request submissions have strict deadlines, outlined in the next steps.

    Download this pdf file. Download the Reevaluation Request form.

  • Complete, sign, and submit the form.

    SORRB must recieve a completed and signed Request for Reevaluation within 30 days of the SORRB Notification Letter date. 

    The request must be made in writing using the request form provided and submitted to SORRB by mailed letter or email. 

    If the required supporting documentation is available at this time, it may be submitted together with the request form. 

    Submit the signed, completed form by letter or email.


    Request Submission Contact Information

    Mail to

    200 Piedmont Avenue SE; Suite 504.21, West Tower
    Atlanta, GA 30334

  • Gather and submit the supporting documentation.

    Any documentation to be considered for the reevaluation must be received by SORRB in PDF format within 120 days of the SORRB notification letter date. Extensions are rarely approved. 

    • To submit documentation, the request form must have been received within 30 days of the SORRB Notification Letter date. 

    • SORRB only accepts PDF submissions. SORRB will not accept any data storage device.

    Gather the supporting documentation that was not available during the original assessment.

    Read more about the documentation that SORRB considers helpful.

    Submit the supporting documentation by letter or email.


    Request Submission Contact Information

    Mail to

    200 Piedmont Avenue SE; Suite 504.21, West Tower
    Atlanta, GA 30334

  • Next steps

    • You or your attorney will receive an email or mail confirmation that your request has been received.
    • SORRB waits the entire 120 days before the reevaluation starts, giving you sufficient time to provide SORRB with any documentation.
    • Once the deadline for receiving documents has been reached, it will take approximately 120 days to complete the reevaluation.
    • You or your attorney will receive your classification by first-class mail once completed.