Board Member
Robbie Frederick
Member and Law Enforcement Representative
Robbie Frederick has a Bachelor of Science from West Georgia College (now the University of West Georgia), which he earned in 1985. He began his law enforcement career in 1986 and retired from the Clayton County Police Department in 2016, with over 30 years of experience at the rank of Captain. Robbie attended the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute in 2003 and began administering polygraph examinations for the police department. After he retired, he began teaching polygraph full-time at the American International Institute of Polygraph. In 2021, Robbie Frederick purchased AIIP and currently teaches all polygraph topics at his school in Peachtree City, GA, and in Alabama, Virginia, Indonesia, South Africa, Taiwan, and Ukraine. As the director of AIIP, he helps agencies start new polygraph programs, assists with internships, and provides the equipment and support needed for a healthy polygraph program. Robbie Frederick also administers private polygraph examinations on all topics including crimes, trust issues, and the Post-Conviction Sex Offender Test (PCSOT). He also conducts Quality Control evaluations for polygraph examinations.